10 Versions of the Push-Up

10 Versions of the Push-Up

The motivation to write this article comes from a driving force to remind people that often times in life the simple answer is the correct answer. Unfortunately, what seems to happen more often yet, is over complication of simple matters. In the fitness world, novices...
How to Break Through Plateaus

How to Break Through Plateaus

It’s inevitable. You will hit a wall or plateau of sorts on your major lifts. Yes, you can cruise along for a relatively long time adding small amounts of weight each time you perform a lift. The more of a novice you are the longer this period will continue. Enjoy it...
Back Squat Tips & Tricks YouTube Video

Back Squat Tips & Tricks YouTube Video

Check out our latest YouTube video “KILLER Tricep Routine”. Thanks for viewing and make sure subscribe to our website for more blogs and information and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for additional videos: Training With a “Why?”  ...
Bill Marnich: Training With a "Why?"