How to Break Through Plateaus

How to Break Through Plateaus

It’s inevitable. You will hit a wall or plateau of sorts on your major lifts. Yes, you can cruise along for a relatively long time adding small amounts of weight each time you perform a lift. The more of a novice you are the longer this period will continue. Enjoy it...
Why Women Should Lift Weights

Why Women Should Lift Weights

From the title, you can infer what I will discuss in this article but what you may not realize is that this may very well turn out to be one of the most important articles I ever write on this site. I get asked all the time what is my favorite team to work with. Most...
My Story, What’s Yours?

My Story, What’s Yours?

I first started training to get bigger and stronger for football in the middle of my eighth grade year. I immediately fell in love with weight training. I loved seeing myself get bigger and stronger. This continued throughout high school, and into college where I...
Bill Marnich: Training With a "Why?"